Counselling for Children and Youths

Some Children and Teenagers are developing confusion of the adult world that is being presented to them. Children feel they have no power over their lives and they in turn must depend on the adults to keep them safe and create a space for growth and development. Yet, as adults we forget this fact and expect children to adapt to the environment they are living in.

Counselling children can assist them in developing the life skills they need to create a safe and strong future. Many children find it difficult to communicate strong emotions in a form that the adult world will accept. Thus, a child can become unruly, wilful, and sometimes quite aggravated for no apparent reason.

By assisting the child through Counselling, using non-threatening therapies such as Sand Play and Emotional Release therapies allows the child to get in touch with and express the strong emotions that at one point were elusive for them. Thus, in turn a more well-adjusted young person can be allowed to emerge and accept this new version of the world for themselves.

Taking a struggling child to Counselling is a demonstration that the adult is allowing the child to become their own person of value and enabling the child to reach the potential within them. In other words, creating a child that can cope better with the stresses of life that is surrounding them.

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